Partial Dentures
Customized Calgary Denture Services
When you lose a tooth or a few teeth, your remaining teeth might begin to shift and fill in the vacant space on your gum line. This can cause you pain, trouble chewing, a different smile, and make it harder to properly clean your teeth. A customized partial denture is able to fill that gap in your smile and prevent many of these issues from affecting you.
Your partial denture treatment may include:
- Impressions of your upper and lower teeth
- Preparing the remaining teeth for the denture
- Evaluation of your speech, bite, teeth, and gums
When you use partial dentures, you are choosing an option that can be more affordable than many other options and does not require surgery. There are also different options for partial dentures that we can review with you. This can help us ensure that you are receiving the best possible fit and comfort level. To begin discussing your partial denture options, call our Calgary denture clinic today at (403) 247-6222!